Support Services

  • First Time Logging In

    In order to access Canvas, the learning management system for online courses, visit and click on the Canvas tile.

  • Proctortrack – Identify Verification

    Proctortrack – Identify Verification

    All students registered for online courses must verify their identity using Proctortrack software. This verification covers all online courses for a one year period.

    If you are enrolled in an online course and are required to submit verification, a course named “Online Verification & Identity” will appear in your Canvas Dashboard. Simply click on the course and start the process.  You must open and read each page before the next page will open.

    Once you have read the materials, you will begin the process to confirm your identity.  There are three steps:

    1. Your face will be imaged in three poses: frontal view, left side, right side.
    2. A picture ID (UCNJ ID, driver’s license, passport) is scanned and matched to your face.
    3. Your knuckles are scanned to create a biometric measurement.

    NOTE: If you have completed the online verification process within the past 12 months, you do not have to complete the process again. The identity verification is valid for 1 year.

  • Canvas Training

    If you are not familiar with CANVAS, the learning management system that is used for online course work, the Academic Learning Centers located in the library hold workshops for students to learn the system. For more information, please contact the Cranford Office at 908-709-7526, Elizabeth Office at 908-965-6009, and Plainfield Office at 908-412-3540. Visit the link below for more information on how to use CANVAS.

  • Online Tutoring – ThinkingStorm

    If you are interested in receiving online tutoring, select the “ThinkingStorm Online Tutoring” link within your course in Canvas. If you would like to receive face-to-face tutoring, you can visit the Academic Learning Center to receive tutoring.

  • Online Advising

    UCNJ has a student advisor dedicated to students taking online courses. The Online Student Advisor can provide assistance with registration, adding/dropping courses, academic planning, and identifying appropriate institutional resources. If you require assistance in any of the above referenced areas, please feel free to contact us a