What is IRAP?
IRAP is a grant funded by the National Science Foundation to improve critical thinking skills, retention and graduation for students majoring in STEM AT UCNJ
How To Apply?
IRAP Application
Application is Currently Closed
IRAP Student Participant Contract
What does IRAP offer:
Paid Research Experiences for summer, fall, and spring work experiences at UCNJ. Students will have the opportunity to be published in the UCNJ Undergraduate Research Journal and will have the potential to travel to research conferences to present research findings.
Mentoring from students and faculty at UCNJ.
IRAP Eligibility Criteria:
- Must be a STEM Major
- Current UCNJ student
- U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident
- Available to participate in research experiences
For more information, contact:
Grant Director, NSF
“This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. (1832425).”